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Constructing Communities in
Transitional Times

No matter what type of transition your organization is experiencing - business process reengineering, merger / takeover, turnaround, reinvention, or technology conversion - its impact on your most important asset, human resources, can be substantial. Regardless how necessary and well intentioned any change may be, dysfunctional symptoms can arise. Common symptoms - stress, deterioration of teamwork, confusion about new management hierarchy, hoarding or failure to share information, lessening of collaboration, decreased creativity, an absence of risk taking, crippled support functions, significant motivation decline - indicate that creative change management is critical to your revitalizing your corporate culture.

Constructing Communities in Transitional Times utilizes our unique adaptation of the principles and tools of Improv to address the challenge of revitalizing any business, organization, or team experiencing a transitional event.

The collaborative nature of Improv combined with its framework of positive humor and interactivity can provide an effective vehicle for bypassing the resistance that often accompanies a major change or transition. Improv fosters skills in comm
unication, flexible thinking, collaborative interaction, and creativity. Success in any Improv endeavor is directly related to the cooperation and collaboration of its participants.

Constructing Communities in Transitional Times is for the business, organization, or management team seeking to:

  • Develop new flexibility in regard to a transition or change.
  • Connstruct better mechanisms and improve attitudes in regard to information sharing .
  • Increase collaboration on teams, among departments, or between multiple business entities.
  • View differences (situations, cultures, new processes, etc.) as assets rather than liabilities.
  • Create a positive context of collaboration and humor, bypassing resistance, while proactively addressing change management issues.
  • Encourage and support productive risk taking.
  • Motivate commitment toward group and personal strategies that create, heal, and/or rejuvenate the community.
  • Explore the role of status in relation to change , communication, and collaboration.
  • Laugh while learning and collaborating!

This training seminar identifies specific behaviors and beliefs that block living and working collaboratively in the face of the rapid change that so often characterizes the global marketplace. We present training structures that focus on the flexible acceptance and appreciation of differences, facilitation of building upon diverse resources, and reinvigoration of loyalty. As always, gentle humor and its power to heal old wounds are woven into every interactive exercise. The bonding power of laughter cannot be overestimated. It makes difficult transitions easier and positively impacts people at every level of the organization.

Ironically, the burden for maintaining and revitalizing an organizational community often rests on a few people. The last section of Constructing Communities focuses on creating an action plan to insure that the progress of the seminar continues long after the trainers have left. Utilizing the principles outlined in the training, all participants are challenged to commit to constructing ways to ritualize community revitalization.

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The creativity and positive humor of
Improv are perfect for your next