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Serioulsly, What's so Funny?

Seriously, What's so Funny? is a team building and creativity training seminar that uses Creativity Engineering's unique adaptation of the principles and structures of Improv to celebrate laughter and the human spirit. This seminar clearly demonstrates that, in business and in life, humor can inspire creativity and nourish collaboration. Employing the collaborative technology of Improv, businesses, organizations, and teams delight in a dynamic process of interactive discovery, leading them to the possibilities created when their "inner censor" is disarmed. This training seminar is completely interactive demonstrating the benefits of integrating Improv humor into management, sales, marketing, customer service and virtually any other business function.

TEAM BUILDING HUMORAt the conclusion of Seriously, What's so Funny? participants should:

  • Recognize their natural ability to spontaneously generate transforming and positive humor within a variety of contexts .
  • Integrate humor into everyday business communication - whether in management, sales, marketing, or customer service.
  • Generate creative ideas and strategies about ritualizing humor in their daily business and personal lives.
  • Identify differences between inclusive and exclusive humor in the workplace.
  • Laugh! - Laugh! - Laugh!

Seriously, What's so Funny? distinguishes itself from other (yet many worthwhile) humor seminars in its focus on interactivity. Instead of using props such as funny noses or "Groucho" glasses to create laughter, seminar participants learn to generate and appreciate the hilarity and laughter that exists in everyday business life. Instead of depending on jokes, organizations, businesses, and teams will experience the spontaneous generation of humor through Improv while taking themselves (and others) a little more lightly. From the first moments, participants are engaged in activities that are guaranteed to produce laughter .

Because Improv doesn't require people to try to be funny, Seriously, What's so Funny? is the perfect vehicle for participants to naturally discover their innate sense of humor. And, as in all our workshops, a safe atmosphere is created and maintained enabling even the shyest members of your team, business or organization to feel validated for taking gentle risks in the collaborative cause of humor.

The power of humor in life and business is well documented. Researchers have found when workgroups actively engage in the innovation process, those that laugh most readily and often are more creative and productive than their more humorless counterparts. Laughter is the most universal of all human experiences. In fact, humor literally qualifies as a sense. All infants, no matter what culture in which they grow up, smile and laugh at the roughly same age (the first few months). Conversely, aggression is acquired later in life.

Humor can be a vital positive complement to any business or professional communication. Humor improves morale, increases productivity, enhances relationships and builds loyalty. Whether breaking the ice during sales or marketing presentations or seeking to successfully shift perspective in a strategic planning meeting, humor is a powerful tool for punctuating most important business interchanges.

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