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Four ways we're Different
Improv for Team building and Creativity Training

Dynamic Interactive Format  

The three-dimensional approach that is essential to team building and creativity training cannot be effectively represented within the traditional speaker - pen and paper - static listener format. Creativity Engineering's interactive teaching and team building methods maximize returns on learning for today's contemporary audience. In their book TheExperience Economy, Pine, Gilmore, and Pine highlight that one of the realities of the New Economy is the requirement that important information must be placed within a dynamic and compelling, interactive format to achieve maximum impact.

From the first few moments on, Creativity Engineering does just that!  Audiences become engaged in activities that are fun, captivatingly interesting, and informative. Consequently, instead of the comments - "(sigh�) I'm glad that's over," - that often accompany some training, Creativity Engineering's audiences feel motivated about their new skills, excited about the experience, and enthused about the applications of the material.

Custom Designed Programs - One size fits One

We will design creativity and team building programs around your company's needs and never attempt to fit a specific template over your organization. We want to know your goals . One of the first questions that we will ask is "How would you know (afterwards) that the seminar was helpful?" Specifically, we will ask who (individuals, teams, departments, etc.) will be doing what (actions, processes, attitudes, etc.) differently? This question is followed up by, "What difference would this make for your organization?" This process can occur over the telephone, email, or through face-to-face conversations. The advantage of using our method of Improv training is that it provides a tremendous amount of flexibility in tailoring seminars for an organization's needs, unique culture, and goals.

Proprietary Content

The vast majority of team building and creativity material presented in Creativity Engineering's seminars is not in the public domain. Our proprietary content, inspired by Improv's creative spontaneity and productive risk taking, has been developed and refined over the years in the course of delivering team building and creativity seminars to organizations like yours. This means that our unique training structures, teaching strategies, and state-of-the-art content are continually updated to take advantage current trends in innovation and collaborative creativity.

Professional Approach

Shouldn't a professional approach be a given within any team building and creativity training event?
Unfortunately, as ludicrous as it seems, it isn't. We are not a merely group of performers that suddenly decided to jump into the corporate world. Creativity Engineering 's principal trainers, all with graduate degrees in the human sciences or the performing arts, are a well-rounded combination of experienced professionals, who have presented seminars on three continents, published in professional journals, and written books.

The requirements of the global marketplace influence our view that humor alone is not enough. In no way do we wish to disparage humor programs or the substantial value of laughter in corporate life, but today's economy demands an extremely high return on learning to justify the time and resources devoted to any kind of team building or creativity training experience. Perhaps Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, said it best when he remarked that (humor), "Is in the same category as giving people a certificate of appreciation instead of a pay raise. It's well intentioned but kind of what you do because you can't deal with the fundamental problems."

Combining collaborative creativity and our proprietary learning structures that empower interactive discovery, Creativity Engineering can address the team building and creativity training needs of any business or organization, whether it is seeking to optimize team performance, enhance sales and marketing strategies, address conflict and diversity issues, complement the design and development process, increase management communication skills, or simply boost its existing levels of creativity. As always, this is accomplished within a context of positive, inclusive humor enabling participants to learn while laughing.

For specific program descriptions please visit the Training pages.